<aside> ⚙️ With your big picture goals in mind, reflect on the following questions are populate the 🏁 Semester goals database.

Reflection questions What do you want to / need to focus on this semester? By the end of the semester I need / want to … What are the priorities? What should you focus on first? What’s in conflict? What’s synergistic? What are the tradeoffs of pursuing one goal versus another? When are you going to do what? What are the potential barriers?

For each goal, do the following:

  1. Categorize the project, type, stage, and semester
  2. Rate the goal on the following dimensions (or others you’re using to rank the priority): importance to me, importance to the world, urgency, effort required, energy giving (1 = low, 3 = medium, 5 = high). Adjust rank formula (and parameters) as you see fit.
  3. Write notes based on your reflections to the questions above
  4. Link to your big picture goals, papers, and skills


Semester goals